What We Do
Our software gives companies the ability to check their customer's credit with a soft (or hard) credit check. In the case of the soft pull, our cutting edge technology delivers an accurate credit report and FICO® score using your customer's name and address only (no social security or date of birth required). Businesses like soft credit checks because without asking their clients for intrusive information (SS or DOB), and without impacting their customer's credit, businesses can instantly get a full picture of their customer's credit profile. The beauty of our software is we integrate right into your current business processes. To be more specific, whether your clients come to you over the phone, in person, or online, ACS instantly delivers you your customer's entire credit report and score. We pride ourselves in exceptional customer service. Send us a chat now!
Know Your Client's Credit Now
Creditworthiness should be determined at the beginning of any sales cycles. Wether you conduct business online, by phone, or in person, ACS can instantly and discretely generate a full credit report and FICO® score using only a name and address. Since asking clients for their social security number and date of birth is not necessary, barriers that have prevented getting to know them early on no longer exist.
Save Time and Resources
ACS can help avoid wasted efforts on unreliable or insolvent individuals from the outset of any business dealing. No need to chase any leads that lack the credit standing needed to close. At the start of any business deal, ACS can filter out the uncreditworthy from the viable prospects, ensuring your energies are focused on profitable ventures only.
Increase Your Bottom Line
ACS can help you prioritize individuals with good credit standing so you can allocate efforts towards deals that are more likely to go through. In addition to filtering out the uncreditworthy, ACS upgrades your current vetting process to ensure more quality leads are generated, thereby increasing your bottom line.
Industries We Serve
Phone Rooms and Telemarketers
Our software enables companies to quickly underwrite a deal while their client's are on the phone. ACS delivers credit decisioning to sales agents based off preset FICO® score thresholds or a set of underwriting criteria. Underwriting criteria may consist of payment history or FICO® score, among other choices. If preferred, ACS will deliver your client's full credit report and FICO® score to your agent simple and fast. Learn More
Online Lead Generation
Consumers have shifted the way they apply for loans. The days of walking into a brick and mortar bank and applying for a loan are long gone. Consumer's are shopping for financial products online, and is the the perfect solution for lenders and lead generators to automate their credit based underwriting process. Learn More.